For middle class Thai, does the bride have to send money to take of her family. Is this the purpose of sin sot? I am to pay 200,00 baht for sin sot. My bride will be sending money in a large amount to Thailand ot take care of her parents.

For middle class Thai, does the bride have to send money to take of her family. Is this the purpose of sin sot? I have a Thai girlfriend who is going to school here in the states. She ask me for 5,000,000 baht originally then for 2,000,000 after my refusal, Now she ask for what I said I can afford which is 200,00 Baht. She says due my sin sot being small, she will be working and sending sin sot to her parents each month to help take care of them. According to her culture, sin sot is split between the bride and groom. The groom uses his sin sot to start a business, and bride uses hers to pay to her parents for their retirement while groom's business is getting started. This due to parents spending all their money for their kids to go to good expensive schools so they can get good paying jobs so the parents have nothing hardly left for their retirement and the social security they receive is not enough.
Asked 8 years ago

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