Does the owner faking us?

I am renting a house for one year contract with the property company. We are now three months in this house. And then Suddenly the owner want us to move out from the house. And we are shock, bcuz we never break the contract or damage or something. He sale the house by himself without using the property angency and then he want us to move out from the within 1 month. Is this legal what he is doing? He never told us before that he is selling it. I make a lot of invest a lot of money to this house to make it more nicer and clean. Selling the house by himself without telling the property and then he just told us that it is sold. What can I do..?
Asked 12 years ago
It depends on your contract. Rental agreements in Thailand are in general governed by the written contract and civil and commercial code. Under section 564 of the civil and commercial code of Thailand 'a contract of hire is extinguished at the end of the agreed period without notice'. Basically he cannot terminate the contract prior to the agreed period, unless he has included a special condition in the contract that allows him to terminate the contract, for example when the property is sold or when he sells the property during the term of the rental contract. In this case he must at least give a one month notice but not more than 2.
Answered 12 years ago

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