Setting up a Thai company
starting and forming a limited company in Thailand
The process of setting up a Thai limited company and steps taken in order to achieve and complete the incorporation process, from the reservation of a business name till the certificate of incorporation of the company, can under the new company formation rules be completed in a few days. The registration of a company is processed by the DBD or Department of Business Development in Thailand.
In short the following steps must be taken in the setting up process of incorporation of a limited company
To form a limited company at least 3 promoters (future limited company's shareholders) are required who should be natural persons (at least 12 years old) and must subscribe to buy at least 1 share
Steps in short
The formation steps are registered with the Department of Business Development Provincial District office
- The registration of a business company name
- The 'memorandum of association is filed
- contains the reserved company’s name
- address and location of head office
- company business objectives
- compoany's registered capital divided into shares (share’s value must be at least 5 Baht)
- details of of the promoters setting up the company
- details of 2 witnesses
- The 'articles of association are filed
- A 'statutory meeting' is held
- Tax ID