I signed a sale and purchase agreement for condo Thailand together with my Thai wife. We are buying the condo together from the developer. The contract refers to us as...
I invested 1,8 million baht in a house in Thailand and registered it on the name of my wife. Now she wants to divorce but refuses to share my investment. Today she closed the...
I heard that usufruct is the way to go when investing in real estate in Thailand, since the Thai holding company route is more or less closed by the government.
Is a usufruct...
Why do I have to pay business tax over the selling price of my condo. I'm selling my own privately owned condo, owned in my own name, not a business, no inestment...
Hello I am English living in Thailand. I have a condo which I would like to give or leave to my son in England . I guess all I need is a document I can attach to the chanote and...
Maybe you can answer my question. Is a marriage under foreign law valid in thailand? Say, we (foreign and thai national) married in Germany and want to register our marriage in...
Could you please explain the difference, if any, there would be between foreign ownership and purchasing a condominium through a Thai business? I want to buy a condo...
Does Thailand recognize no fault divorce, or do you always need a fault ground for a divorce under Thai law? The thing is, our marriage is broken beyond repair but we do not want...
I'm selling my condo and agreed to pay all taxes and fees involved. I was wondering, say, my condo is worth 800,000 baht, what would the total taxes and fees be? I understand...
My Thai girl friend is pregnant (3 months) and wants to keep the baby and I do not. Do I have any legal or financial responsibility should we break up. Note that I would take...