affirmation of marital status

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affirmation of marital status

foreigners getting married in Thailand require an Affirmation of Marital Status (affidavit of freedom to marry). This is a statement certified by your embassy stating that you are legally free to marry. After it is signed by your embassy it must be translated to Thai by a licensed translator and legalized by the legalization division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. In this form it is an official document required to register your marriage with the district office (Amphur) in Thailand.

sample text of the statement that you are free to marry single person (not divorced or widowed)

Affirmation of Marital Status

I, ____________________________, do solemnly and sincerely affirm as follows:

The following is information about myself:

Surname ____________

All forenames ____________ (as shown on passport)

MALE / FEMALE Date of Birth ____________ Place of Birth _______________

Usual Address _____________________________________________________

Occupation _____________ and I have an income of _____

All forenames and surname of Father ___________________
All forenames and surname of Mother _____________ Mother’s maiden name _________

__Country__ passport number _______

Date and place of issue of passport _______ in the ___Country___

Marital Status ___in this sample single____ and I have no dependants from my previous or current relationships

I am not under 18 years of age

A marriage is proposed to be solemnised between me and ___name prospective wife _____ of __ prospective wife’s address _______________________ ____________________, THAILAND, a THAI National at ____ location ____ in __month__ 2018.

I propose the following people for reference purposes if it is necessary to verify the above details.

1. _____ name ________, ________________ address __________________
2. _____ name ________, ________________ address __________________

I am free to enter into this proposed marriage and believe that there is not any impediment by reason of kindred or alliance, or other lawful hindrance, to this proposed marriage.

Signed at the Consular Section, ___country___ Embassy in Bangkok

This ….. day of …....…....................2018 ………………………………

(Signature of deponent)

Before me (name of witness)

Signature and official seal of witness

Author: Thailand Lawyer Online
Synonyms: Affidavit of freedom to marry