Glossary of terms used on this site

Thailand related terms (legal and practical).

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uncontested divorce
mutual consent divorce and marriage ending where both parties agree on all matters concerning the divorce like division of marital assets and debts, child support, child custody and if any spousal/ child maintenance (alimony).
Author - Thailand Lawyer Online
Synonyms - mutual consent divorce
Undue enrichment

in contract law but also marriage laws (property between husband and wife) the undoing of any unjust enrichment of one person at the expense of another in circumstances that the law sees as unjust or unlawful.

Author - Thailand Lawyer Online

real property legal term, under Thai law a registered property right attached to an immovable property by which the owner grants another person the exclusive but temporary possession, use, enjoyment and management of his real property governed by a usufruct contract agreement and the civil and commercial code sections 1417 to 1428 (chapter 'usufruct')

Author - Thailand Lawyer Online